It is actually very easy to download a torrent file and usually takes less than 15 minutes to get started.
First download and install a torrent client. Remember the torrent client is considered the command center for your P2P file sharing. You can choose many different types of torrent sharing clients; however two highly recommended clients are UTorrent and Bitcomet.
Once you have your torrent client downloaded and installed, you will need to search for files that you would like to download. Usually you can visit many index web sites such as Pirate bay and Torrent Spy. Most torrent clients have a list handy of the best index web sites. Now, just search for the file that you would like to download. Some of these sites offer advanced searches such as the ability to search for a video file, music file, application file or all of the above. It is usually extremely easy to locate the torrent file that you would like to download.
Once you have searched for a specific file, your index web site should return a list of available torrent files. Look to see which torrent files have the most seeders, usually this will give you the fastest download times and highest quality files. Once you find the torrent file that you would like to download, click the download link and save it onto your computer. These files are usually very small, usually less than 25kbits.
Now that you have the torrent file or archive on your computer, double click this file and your torrent client should automatically open up. At this time, the tracker program will come online as well and will start to manage and download your file. While each client and tracker program is different, you should be able to see how many people are downloading the file, seeding and sharing or leeching. You should also see the progress of your computer downloading the file and the amount of time remaining until the file is completely downloaded. All you have to do now is waiting until all the data is downloaded and then you can enjoy your new downloaded file.
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